目前分類:關於VeMMA (26)

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11/02/11 00:10ap_F23_20110211121535595.jpg  



台灣 VEMMA 於 2010年11月9號 投保2000萬 富邦產品責任險

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"Halal" 在阿拉伯語中的意思為 "守法的","禁止的"。

所謂「HALAL」是阿拉伯文「合法」的意思,亦即符合伊斯蘭教法,若是指食物,就是「可食用」的食物,表示從 "貨源" 到 "終端產品" 都符合回教教義的嚴謹過程。

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你有睡眠的困擾嗎^^?  你會睡不穩嗎^^?  常常做夢嗎^^? 

很難入眠嗎^^?  睡眠時間太短嗎^^?  生理時鐘不穩定嗎^^?  睡的很淺易醒嗎^^?

全新的超強 VEMMA PM 將挑戰你的睡眠障礙!!


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美商VeMMA維瑪公司 協助 非洲 肯亞 難民~總裁BK善心不落人後 - VeMMAFamily    喜歡 VEMMA 維瑪的自動雲端跟進系統嗎? 歡迎您立即免費試用90天喔!!

現在就可以立即開始 讓 Vemmabuilder 系統幫你賺錢!!

喜歡VEMMA 維瑪的自動跟進系統嗎^^? 歡 迎您立即免費試用90天喔^^! 

現 在就可以立即開始 讓 Vemmabuilder 系統幫你賺錢!!

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Vemma的成分 http://goo.gl/LNyVk




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Vemma Premix(预混装)主要成份

用量每次4湯勺 (2 fl oz/ 59 mL)
每瓶可用 16次
  每次用量含 占人体每日所需量的百分比
Calories 35  
Total Carbohydrates 8 g 3%*
Sugars 8 g
Vitamin A (100% as beta carotene) 2500 IU 50%
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 300 mg 500%
Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) 1000 IU 250%
Vitamin E (as d- alpha tocopheryl acetate) 60 IU 200%
Thiamin (as thiamine hydrochloride) 1.5 mg 100%
Riboflavin (as riboflavin U.S.P.) 1.7 mg 100%
Niacin (as niacinamide) 20 mg 100%
Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine hydrochloride) 5 mg 250%
Folate (as folic acid) 800 mcg 200%
Vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) 15 mcg 250%
Biotin (as d- Biotin) 300 mcg 100%
Pantothenic Acid (as calcium d-pantothenate) 10 mg 100%
Selenium (as selenium amino acid chelate) 140 mcg 200%
Proprietary Wildcrafted Mangosteen (山竹果), Organic Glyconutrient-Rich Aloe Vera (蘆薈) And Organic Green Tea (有機綠茶) Blend 25.2 g
Reconstituted Mangosteen Juice (Garcinia mangostana L.) (果), Aloe Vera Gel (叶), Green Tea (叶) (decaffeinated), Mangosteen Extract (果皮) (standardized 10% xanthones)    
Proprietary Plant-Sourced Mineral Blend: 956 mg
Carbon (Organic)(碳), Calcium(钙), Sodium(钠), Sulfur(硫), Magnesium(镁), Chloride(氯), Bromide(溴), Fluoride (氟), Iodine (碘), Potassium(鉀), Niobium(鈮), Aluminum(鋁), Iron(鐵), Phosphorus(磷), Silica(矽), Manganese(錳), Boron(硼),Strontium(鍶), Titanium(鈦), Tungsten(鎢), Copper(銅), Zinc(鋅), Tin(錫), Zirconium(鋯), Molybdenum(鉬), Vanadium(釩), Chromium(鉻), Selenium(硒), Nickel(鎳), Cobalt(鈷), Lithium(鋰), Gallium(鎵), Barium(鋇), Yttrium(釔), Neodymium(釹), Hafnium(鉿), Cadmium(鎘), Thorium(釷), Antimony(銻), Cerium(鈰), Tellurium(碲), Beryllium(鈹), Samarium(釤), Dysprosium(鏑), Erbium(鉺), Bismuth(鉍), Gadolinium(钆), Cesium(銫), Lanthanum(鑭), Praseodymium(镨), Europium(銪), Lutetium(镥), Terbium(铽), Ytterbium(鐿), Holmium(钬), Thallium(鉈), Thulium(铥), Tantalum(鉭), Germanium(鍺), Gold(金), Platinum(鉑), Rhodium(銠), Rubidium(銣), Ruthenium(釕), Scandium(鈧), Silver(銀), Indium(銦),    
* 每日人体所需量百分比基于一个2,000 calorie的膳食. 
† 每日人体所需量未测试.


Biotin 生物素簡介

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2010/10/03 12:03




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2010/09/19 01:13




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2010/09/19 01:01





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預防醫學之新谷弘實醫學博士 醫學臨床紀錄片:實證肉食與素食腸道的差別


各位朋友,你還不做保健嗎? 看完了有什麼感想阿~~ 


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VEMMA 提供生命必須的營養計畫


VEMMA 融合中西醫學原理的配方

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2010/07/13 09:09


Bioavailability and antioxidant effects of a xanthone-rich Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) product in humans.

Kondo MZhang LJi HKou YOu B.

Brunswick Laboratories, Norton, Massachusetts 02766, USA.


Oxidative damage is involved in many chronic diseases including those cited as the major causes of death in Western societies such as cardiovascular disorders and cancer. Antioxidants may prevent these degenerative processes by various mechanisms including the scavenging of free radicals. Intake of antioxidant supplements is associated with preventing oxidative damages. This study investigated the absorption and antioxidant effects of a xanthone-rich mangosteen liquid in healthy human volunteers after the acute consumption of 59 mL of the supplement. The liquid contained mangosteen, aloe vera, green tea, and multivitamins. Results indicated that alpha-mangostin and vitamins B(2) and B(5) were bioavailable, with observed C(max) at t(max) of around 1 h. The antioxidant capacity measured with the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay was increased with a maximum effect of 18% after 2 h, and the increased antioxidant level lasted at least 4 h. Overall, this study demonstrated the bioavailability of antioxidants from a xanthone-rich mangosteen product and its in vivo antioxidant effects.

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歡迎親臨產品分享會 您更深入了解產品就能真心認同它平凡中的不平凡



我必須先問您假如有一套好系統沒有好商品 是不是等於 "金錢遊戲" 認同吧!! 但是vemma 讓我們都很開心的是他不只是有好系統更有好商品來幫到所有人身體真正的健康. 窮爸爸富爸爸甚至稱讚 公司CEO 是追求品質卓越的瘋子,為何這樣說呢 因為vemma是液態抗氧化劑保健品的LV等級喔!! 難怪 窮爸爸富爸爸作者 與 秘密作者 共同聯合 推薦 vemma ~因為他是將財富與真正財富"無價的健康" 帶給你!!

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Monavie vs. Vemma


 Monavie or Vemma? Monavie is one of the fastest growing nutritional MLM company. However, Vemma is not far behind and Vemma has what I believe a better product. This video explains why.

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5/10號下午 在台灣台北分公司 現場擠爆 因為產品研發首腦 王一賓博士來台 支持解說 說明


VEMMA產品 研發首腦 王一賓博士


VEMMA亞洲區 總裁 辜總

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BKFB上最新發表的影片唷~ 趕快去看



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